Monday, 18 March 2013

The A Team


This is possibly my new favourite song for the time being. It is such a stunning, romantic little song sung by a really incredible singer. Ed Sheeran writes so beautifully as well and his lyrics always seem to actually connect with the listener, this one is no different. The song is mostly played with a consistent simple guitar strum, a basic drum beat and some piano, pedalsteel tones in certain parts. It is a really gentle song which is communicated with you by these instruments and the way that he sings it. It is such a fantastic listen, so check it out! Ed Sheeran is very similar to One Direction and has actually written a few of their songs for them, including Little Things. I love him and I think he has really got everything he needs to become a great songwriter, as he already is, he writes lyrics that actually mean something and make you think, opposed to all this superficial stuff that we so often hear in pop at the moment and he knows how to find a catchy little tune.

Take a listen!

- Caity xx

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